hi i guess i have to do this this is my first spearfishing form but vary excited i am from Miami i fish Miami and the keys have been spearfishing for 12 years and cant seem to get over it and don't think i want to happy to be hear and hoping to get acquainted with as many good noligabel spear fishers out there thanks and have a good one
Welcome fordguy
thanks josediaz and built 7
Cheers, Don Paul
Welcome :thumbsup2:
question i was looking at some fins on the for sale post and i cant seem to post anything on those post also i am looking for a good set of carbon fins if any body has any advice on what a good fin is please let me know
Welcome...I highly recomend going straight to the pursuit carbons with pathos pockets (long as your foot allows)
Welcome Fordguy. 'Good to have you.
vienvenido ...
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