• Ok went out today only for 3 hours to do a test run, so decided why not bring along the Riffe and a block of chum.

    It's a freakin laser btw... we didnt have much time, and it was mostly just to run my friends boat to see if all the electrical work we did would hold up (which it did).

    So we just put out a block of chum in 18 ftw and picked off our limit of 12-16 inch mangroves (I know tiny fish but I was itching to try out the gun needed some fish to make ceviche) in less than 20 minutes. Could'nt be happier with the guns accuracy.

    So should I upgrade to two 5/8 bands or just leave it how it is? I definetly do not want to sacrifice accuracy for a little bit more range.

    Also does anyone have a extra float line that they wanna sell?

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