The great white lie

  • I remember when that happened Dan, you got to admit though that guy set himself up, pretty much admitted so after in a interview :crazy: Guys get media hungry and all for the next TV shot they do stuff that gets them hurt or dead...

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

  • I don't think blame can be put on anyone or anything but himself. He wanted to believe something and did a mind job on himself, he was deluded. Just like the fellow in the first vid. You can have many experiences with sharks that are not hungry enough, or not in an environment where they'd push boundaries, or sharks with a certain kind of temperament. It only takes one that's a little different than the rest to bring reality crashing down. Sharks and people were not designed to interact other than in a predator prey mode. If it came down to it out of the two choices I'd prefer to assume the predator role. The real crime is trying to convince people that it's anything else like that fool in the video is doing. That said I respect all life (things like mosquitoes excluded) and don't condone shark finning or other mistreatment of animals.

    Don, please post up that pic of your float for a graphic reminder.

  • Always say wild animal is wild animal, hell you dont even need a wild animal! people project human emotions and feelings on dogs then are surprised when they behave less than cuddly!! Knowing a animal, any animals behavior is critical to harmonious encounters. I dont think that man was coming off airy-fairy at all, I agree with him 100%, just think its mad to go looking for the king of the jungle when you dont have to :crazy:...Seen friends bitten by dolphins and i laughed my ass off :krezy: at them afterwards as I said to them wild animal with teeth who are apex predators you dont provoke by swimming up to them without a care in the world going " here flipper flipper" it is asking for some well earned teeth marks!! :shark4: hahahahahahahahahaahaha..But the average man in the street thinks that the only good shark is a dead shark and we all know better than that, we are lucky to be in the wild and as such have a rare insight to the real nature of the wild animal, no?

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

  • I agree my friend. I love sharks. From afar and with profound respect

    I do however think of my dogs as people and demand cuddles

    I even want cuddles from rocky but Dan won't let me because he's a working dog :)

    i like to spear fish

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