So I finally got a break in my work schedule and MAYBE what seamed like a workable weather day, it has been blowing and rolling for months now without a break it seems... Especially bad as I cant even get out to shore shoot or anything! Gills are dry and frustration was/is building.
So this weekend I got to give it a try for a blue water day with my new Koah blue water beauty(poor girl still has not got wet yet)
This + that
So off we went, did not even make it out of the shallows before we realised it was going to be a tough brutal day... Wind was gusting 20k+ with a constant 18k blowing, waves 2.5 to 3 meters, confused seas and throw in springs on a full moon
But! We had birds so rods rigged and lines in water... nada for brutal hours... I got into my suit, on with the weights and got all my gear rigged for a quick overboard if we ran into a fish ball or any debris. When I had had enough I braved the small tuna platform set above the T-Top to see if I could not spot a FAD or two
, no luck, but I did luck into a pair of Frigates feeding. From my perch I could clearly see the flash of a big bull and his female companion the greedy buggers charged the lines but before we could hook up a playful small sail ran across our baits slapping them around and caused a massive tangle. Sorted that out and soon had the female hooked up :thumbsup2:
30LB female as the bull would not play nice but some is better than none
Soon afterwards while I was up top I saw a giant shape torpedoing towards the boat almost the length of our 23ft boat on the starboard side, so I yelled WHALE! Then I muttered cant be as it was moving way to fast, it passed the boat then turned obscenely fast to cut across our bow and then it hit me what I was seeing was a thousand pound plus Marlin having a look at us!! Wohoooooo what a privilege!!
So no getting wet and several black and blues but a big grin on my face anyway