Despite my plans to dive threw the winter I never found the time. I decided it had been long enough and with the minus tides we have been having I dusted off my suit and went crabbing this morning. The spot I go is a small cove that has a medium sized creek running in to it. On really low tides the crab are forced off the flats in to what is now just the creek, so all the crab I got today were in fresh water. The crab gather in the deep water of this creek in large numbers waiting for the tide to return only spending about an hour in fresh water before the tide floods again. I got these crab in that hour in water 8-10' deep.

dungeness crab to start!
Damn that's some good eating. Sounds like easy pickings but takes local knowledge. Amazing! Wht kind of license do you need and what's the Mimi? Thanks for making me hungry :laughing:
A sport fishing license allows a resident 20 a day with a minimum size of 6 1/2". You can take what I said above about the creek and cove to any like area around here and do well with crab.
Thats awesome! Those will make for a tasty meal.
Nice bag of crabs TreeBilly. Are the crabs in those areas waiting for salmon carcasses?
Salmon are part of it, but they also have a lot of other food sources in the estuary type habitat you typically find them in.
Yummy ..
did you get pinched?
You made me hungry....
did you get pinched?
Haha yep! First time in years. I grabbed three on a dive and one got me while I was trying to measure them.
Nice work TB3! Dungeness Crab opens up down here in a little over a week. We only get to keep five. Twenty would be really nice!
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