Today I worked my friend's American bulldog, a promising young male about 15? months old. It's his session #13 and I figured he's ready for his first stick hit and first bite on the rag. I guess he felt he was ready too.

It will be a while before I dive
shit, looks painful
Fuck!! I hope you are o.k.
I felt the desire to introduce that dog a Golden eagle from Mongolia, if you know what i mean ...
Dammmm:0. When you show it in normal time i told my wife i think he got clipped.:D Yep he got clipped alright. Ouch
lets c the battle scars
Stevo, I guess you didn't watch the video to the end.
Monster, I don't understand what you mean. The dog did what he's supposed to do, it was my mistake. Gracias por el apoyo.
I love Depeche Mode:thumbsup2:
you are correct. i did stop it moments before it ended. /wife agro. Just watched the ending. dbl ouch
I knew the sea was going to be like this today before I even looked. A week I'm waiting for this.. :rolleye2:
strap up and load with one hand ...:)
I knew the sea was going to be like this today before I even looked. A week I'm waiting for this..
I bet looking at that water hurts more than the hand. Glad it wasn't worse.
strap up and load with one hand ...:)
I drop a load with one hand all the time.:sarcastic_hand2:
Coño Rolo no seas alburero!!!
I'm glad you're all having fun at the expense of my misfortune, that was my intent in posting
After being bit there was a lot of blood coming from my hand, it's actually the most I've ever bled that I can remember. Of course I told the camera man to film it and we thought he did, but it turns out that he was so concerned about my anguish he must have pressed the wrong button or something. It was a sight to behold but alas no vid
i would be worried with getting that hand infected, what did you put on it?
no te limpies el culo con esa mano.
De pipi. :0
no te limpies el culo con esa mano.
Danielito es bien sophisticado. El solamente usa el bidel con 40 libras de prescion de agua. :laughing3:
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