Hello from Canada, eh.

  • Hey everyone, firstly wanted to thank everyone for all the great info on this site. I've been lurking for awhile and used alot of information on this site to purchase my gear.

    I'm new to freediving, but was spearfishing with scuba while I lived in the Dominican Republic. I tried to get into it when I moved back to Vancouver, but 10 years ago spearfishing seemed to be frowned upon locally. Between that and the Drysuit/weight belts, I just didn't enjoy it as much as in the tropics. But I have a group of friends who are all interested in pursuing it here and between that, freediving and converting back to wetsuits, it's way more enjoyable again.

    Also picked up my first pole spear, and have decided to leave the speargun at home for awhile... wish me luck!

  • Welcome to the forum, Lots of good information and comments here.

    I've dove the Gulf Islands up there in a wet suit. Yep it was cold, but about the same as Northern CA.

    You are located in a great area.

    Which pole spear did you decide upon out of Curiosity? :thinking:

    What was thought process?

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