Making lemonade ....

  • I belive they are the same we got here. They're very bright green when little with no markings. Then when they're juveniles they develop some black rings around in their tails kinda like segments. And when theyre adult the black segments fade some or totally and they turn kind of brownish/greyish color. Also their front legs turn orange\yellowish when mating season. They grow here to about 6 feet long. They love water and you could see them crossing rivers and mangrove channels. You see them here on trees especially if there water nearby. I'll try posting a pic when I find or take one.

  • Here in P.R they're considered a pest by D.N.R . Some people say that they always been here but others say that they were brought from S.A. as pets (they were sold at pet shops until about a few years ago but now are everywhere so people don't buy them no more) others say that they escaped from a closed zoo we used to have.

  • I have some Nicaraguans that work for me that eat the hell out of those things. They call them Garrobo. They say that they are good for "Wang". I have 2 of those in my backyard in Florida. I live on a lake where there are many Coconut palms. They are easily 6 heet long.

  • if you do this Dan, let know cos i have been thinking about eating one for a while...they are strong in your hands but i imagine they could be easily subdued with a polespear or blowgun or slingshot....i'm a pretty good shot with all three :)

    i like to spear fish

  • I kill them every day with a pellet riffle, but I haven´t eat one yet. They´re a pest here as psyco said. They fool around my pool and shit just into the water (big “mojones”, human size).
    If someone is so kind to show how to skin them, I promise to post the pictures of how I prepare it.

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

  • Gallina de Palo con Salsa de Parcha y Gengibre

    gallina de palo, queso parmesano, sal al gusto, ajo, cebolla, jengibre, cubitos knoll de pollo, jugo de parcha, una taza de don que stride.

    Se pica la gallina de palo en trozos pequeños y se van friendo en un salten. En otro recipiente se va sofriendo ajo, la cebolla, cubitos knoll de pollo, luego de que esto estén en su punto se echa el jugo de parcha, con un poca de sal, luego la taza de don que stride y luego de todo eso se pone la gallina y se le echa la mezcla de todos los ingredientes encima y buen provecho.

    No se bien lo que es la taza de don que stride. Pero la ves que yo la comi fue al fricase y fue muy bueno. :thumbsup2:

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