08/08/09- Lobster and muttons

  • Headed out with my uncle today got our limits of bugs and these 2 beauties.

    26" and 24" mutton.

    Davie Peguero

    Edited once, last by seaweed ().

  • Headed out of PE with my uncle in the Jonboat today. Conditions were 2-4 ft all day and crystal clear blue water. There was also a strong current predominant throughout the day.

    We started on the first reef picking bugs, then we went to 2nd reef where I have a honey hole in 35' to round off our limits. Current made it tough be we managed the rest and left plenty behind for next time.

    Cool part was when I found a big empty lobster shell. It was a molting and I was able to find the bug that molted it walking around the reef. I knew it was him because his shell was soft like a sponge.

    With only an hour left we headed to the third reef to take turns drifting. My uncle caught a yellowjack then it was my turn. I saw 2 nice yellow jacks and when I go for the biggest one. As I aim I notice that the other yellowjack is actually a big mutton. So I chase him down to the bottom and he lets me get close so I whack him. Put up a nice fight and came in at about I'm guessing 8lbs.

    My uncle jumps in again and hits another yellowjack. I jump in and as I drift I see a nice permit, about 15-20lbs. As I head down for it I'm going over the story I plan on telling the FWC on how we were 3 miles out doing bluewater diving on a jonboat. I hesitate and look around to see if there is anything else to shoot before I shoot the permit. I see a big mutton far away that looks like a cubera so I swim over. He wont let me get close and my air is low so I hail mary shoot and hit him. I was very surprised. Later in the boat I see that the shaft only went in about 1/2" past the flopper. If he would of thrashed he could of easily tore off.

    Davie Peguero

    Edited once, last by seaweed ().

  • Nice fish. Your story reminds me when I used to fish the gulf on jonboats when it was nice and flat, sometimes we would hit some rigs that were close to shore.:)

  • I bought a lobster that had just molted up in maine, it was nasty to eat. I brought it back to the dock where i had purchased it and they gave me another lobster and a peck of muscles. did you happen to take that lobster that had molted and if you did how did it taste?

  • Good story and catch! We also got some good muttons yesterday. Asesino has the pictures. I ran out of battery taking some cool (and not so cool) videos.

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

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