Really don't know where to post it, but here I go...
My brother just called me from Venezuela telling me that a young spearo just died.
I want to bring this here because he had all the tickets for the lottery: Young (28), in very good shape, diving deep (27 meters / 90 feet) and diving in a wreck with murky water, maybe solo (or with a partner taking care of his own business, which is the same).
That just happened two hours ago in one of my favorites dive spots in Venezuela. I didn't know him because he started spearfishing after I moved to Puerto Rico (about 5 years ago) and we didn't had the chance to meet in my recent trips to my country.
According to one of my buddies (actually the one I call "Maestro"), he was very good and his progress was very fast.
I don't even know his name.
Just wanted all the young ones to read this and don't think "this will not happen to me". It happens.
Rest in peace.