A few from Belize

  • Tino the killer. He and Doc got into a big school of horse eye jacks in the late afternoon. I looked out in the channel and I saw two silver flashes below them after they each hit one. I went back to the wall and waited to see if any snappers were following with the jacks. No snappers but there were about 4 black grouper. I was laying behind a rock and one came right up to me and just sat there facing me. I waited, hoping for a side shot so I didn't put a shaft all the way down the body (I was using my 63 super magnum that I'd just put he Ulusub handle on) and finally he did turn....just as he bolted and was gone. haha.
    The boys saw another big shark too. We haven't seen many the last year or so but this year we've seen big ones at a couple of our favorite spots.
    We went way out to another reef yesterday also and got into a big school of dog snapper. I got a couple but they were running deep and I had no "one up, one down" type buddy. I can't wait for Jake to get back. But yeah, me and the three sons. What a team. Make that 4 sons when Willy gets a bit older....Another gun?
    Also saw a few nice size king mackerels. Not close enough for a shot but one looked to be 40 lbs or so. Doc said a nice African pompano came right up to him....but his gun wasn't loaded. hah. We saw a lot of fish all in all. Really a fun day.

    Edited once, last by hank ().

  • awesome report Hank...having the kids hold the fish sure maeks em look bigger ...hahaha just messing with ya.

    I hate when groupers give me the stare down..I have developed a trick that might work for you...when they are staring you down, bring your gun under your body and have it hidden but aimed at the grouper...then extend your nonshooting hand out to the side...the grouper will usually follow with his head enough for you to shoot and not ruin the fillets.

    i like to spear fish

  • Willy and Doc. Willy was so proud. But he traded the fish to my boss for some chocolate. haha

    What a day. Not a lot of fish with this "mega" moon we had. Maybe they were up all night partying and were in holes sleeping yesterday.,
    Tino shot a 12 lb black that holed up on him. I was on the boat and he was calling me so I swam over and could see his shooting line disappear into a hole. I went down and looked but couldn't see the shaft so I pulled on the line and could feel it give a little. Doc tried the same thing but we couldn't get it out.
    I looked about 15 feet or so along the wall and saw a little fish come out of a smaller hole. I went down and looked in and there was the head of a grouper looking at me. I reached in and grabbed it and as I pulled it out, it whipped its tail and thrusted forward, right into my ribs on my right side. Man, I woke up this morning feeling like someone punched me.,
    We got the fish and Doc reached in and got the shaft which we apparently had pulled out of the fish. Tino hit it near the anus. I unhooked the shooting line from the pigtail and pulled the line through. Happy ending.
    Got a couple barracuda and another white margate. It's fun playing in the shallows and looking in holes. The boys got a couple hogfish and that grouper. I saw a lot of small dogs in the shallows but most were only a couple lbs or so. I shot this one only.

    Edited 2 times, last by hank ().

  • Went to one of my favorite cuts which had really clear water yesterday. Saw this nice black inside the House, a rock formation that has a large area underneath. I hit him and he bolted out the other side but got tangled with the shooting line around a rock. 35 lbs gutted. I swam back to the boat and Mo was looking the other way in the water. I grabbed his fin and pushed the fish into his face. Hah. He almost jumped up out of the water. He told me he thought it was a shark.
    Went to another shallow spot and got the 8 lb snapper. NOt too big but I felt I accomplished more getting that one than the larger black. I saw him about 40 feet away and slowly stalked him. He was moving away and coming back. I would dive to the bottom and wait. Finally I was down and he couldn't resist. He came over the top of a coral spur and right down at me. Stoned him. Tino shot 4 small mangos too. He's getting good.

  • Dan, he did shred my shooting line a bit. As soon as I saw him outside the house, I went down, grabbed him and sliced his gills right under his chin. He was already pretty weak and not struggling too hard.
    I pulled him to the surface as my gun went down on the other side almost into the hole. I undid the pigtail, pulled up the shooting line and shaft and then grabbed the gun and reeled in the line on the other side. I had to put my arm through the gills and out the mouth of the fish to free up both hands.

  • Windfinder.com had it all wrong yesterday. They said, 4-5 knots all day. We left the farm and it looked calm but got out a couple miles and the wind kicked up to about 20-25 kts. Then thunder and lightning started up to the west and south of us. Shit.
    Couldn't get outside the reef, I started out, saw the waves and started screaming for my mama... so we went to a cut where there's a lot of mangrove snappers. We terrorized them for a while and got about 16 or so. Then the current kicked up so we went north to one of our favorite cuts.
    The current was pretty strong so I was dropping the boys and picking them up inside. They saw a few nice fish but the vis was pretty bad. They got the two nice barracuda and Tino got the fish of the day, a 7 lb hog.
    Nice day overall.
    The old guy in the pic isn't me. haha. That's DuQuesnay. Ever hear white Jamaicans talk? They sound like Bella Lagosi in the old Dracula movies. haha.

    Tino and his hog.

    Edited once, last by hank ().

  • nice haul Hank, ever hear white Americans talk? perspective hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah :laughing: but Jamaicans cant hold a candle to Bajons(from Barbados)

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

  • Had really dirty water today. Diving to 60 plus feet just to see if there were any fish. Weird day. There were fish but they were really skittish. Saw a big school of cuberas but they dove down over the wall.
    We got a few and one decent one. One decent dog too.

  • Had really dirty water today. Diving to 60 plus feet just to see if there were any fish. Weird day.

    Often these are Miami diving conditions. It took me a long time to adjust to this blind diving, I was used to hunting from the top. I still don't like it much and can only do a couple of hours like this over reef. When diving on artificial stuff it's not bad unless there's current, because the fish are either concentrated in one spot or are not there at all in which case we move on.

  • Congratulations, pescastes almost all species of Caribbean snapper, Aguadera, parguete, guasinuco cebadal y pargo gallo.
    :thumbsup2: :toast:

    deep sea fishing 60 '

    I do not like the dirty water because I get seasick, take Dramamine to fish dirty water.

    Issac leave a terrible swell here.

    Greetings to Mr Bela is my favorite actor dracula, franki and igor.

    Felicitaciones, pescastes casi todas las especies de pargo del Caribe, Aguadera, parguete, guasinuco , cebadal y pargo gallo.

    no me gusta el agua sucia porque me mareo, tomo dramamine para poder pescar con agua sucia.

    Issac dejo un mar de fondo horrible

    Un Hombre tiene que creer en algo.......
    Creo que me iré de pesca!!!

    Edited 3 times, last by Josediaz: Béla Lugosi ().

  • Yep. Nice calm day. Got out to our spot and found the fish. Jake hit a nice one, then another, then I got one, then a mutton, then another.....Jake was doing some really nice diving. He would disappear at about 80 feet but I was getting vectors on dark and light spots I could see so I knew where he was and could meet him coming up. Then, "thwack", I'd hear his gun.
    We had a pretty full cooler....and lucky we brought two. I dropped down to about 65 feet, over a coral spur. I could see to my 1 o'clock or so that there was a fair sized cubera checking me out. I just kind of played dead, dropping and staying level to look small. She just kept coming....slowly I turned and she was headed right at me. I'm thinking,"ok, turn......turn and don't bolt". She did and gave me a really nice shot. I was thinking it was.....like 30-35 or so. It took off after the shot and I headed up, running line out on my reel. I got to the surface and started pulling. Lucky it didn't hole up. Slowly...slowly it came up. DuQuesnay swam over to me and watched. As it came up I could see it was pretty big and pretty dead but "Duke's" shot it again in the head.
    ya man. As I swam by Jake coming back from the boat he starts hooting. 53 lbs. My best by about 8 lbs or so. Nice day.

    This is kind of the ugly side. I hit it near the lateral line and it came out the gill plate on the other side.

    Nice picture but it was a bit curled up from trying to jam it into my cooler.

    Edited once, last by hank: added photo ().

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