Im thinking of investing in a pair of long blade fins and im looking for some advice on whats the best brand/model to get as far as price/efficiency/durability are concerned. ive never used long blades and ive heard they're not really good for long surface swimming which i do most times but i think the benefits in terms of efficiency will far outweigh that.
Wanna invest in a pair of long blade fins
Speardiver C90's work great for me. I do training swims up to 4 miles in the coastal waters here in Cali, never tire with them. Tons of power if needed on deep dives and easy to kick against currents going up hill.
I have med's in H.Dessualt pockets for my wide foot.Cheers, Don
Khalel, 90cm fins don't seem long to me, they're just the way to go.
well ive been using a pair Mares Avantix 3 that i use to scuba dive to freedive also so anything more than that is long lol. i see every freediver worth his poundage in fish using these long blades so i wanna know what im missing. i do pretty well with what ive got so will a longer blade make me better?
I started with the Avanti tre fins 12 years ago, great snorkling fin, and I'd still use it to mess around in shallow tight spots. But at a certain point to better your performance, surface swimming and depth, you'll have to go to long fins. There is no question in the matter, and carbon is the best. Whatever you do don't get the Avanti Quattro fins.
lol I agree with that cause i believe ive reached that certain point. Another thing, is there an unspoken rule among fin manufacturers that once your footsize is more than 13, you wouldnt need fins to begin with so they dont make bigger? lol
well ive been using a pair Mares Avantix 3 that i use to scuba dive to freedive also so anything more than that is long lol. i see every freediver worth his poundage in fish using these long blades so i wanna know what im missing. i do pretty well with what ive got so will a longer blade make me better?
It will
ive heard they're not really good for long surface swimming.
I don't understand how someone could have come to that conclusion unless the blades they were using were too stiff, had no angle built into the blade or both.
Almost any freediving blade currently on the market will surpass a short soft flat blade in terms of efficiency.
The results you will get from a decent pair of long blades is more stamina; you will not tire as quickly. The purpose is to conserve energy from muscle movement, which expends oxygen.
Your budget will pretty much dertermine what is available. There are some very good plastic blades on the market. Of course the biggest concern should be with the fit of the foot pocket. If it's not comfortable, it doesn't matter how efficient a blade is. Comfort is key with freediving.
I have used Omer and Picasso plastic freediving blades/fins. I prefer the omer foot pocket, but the Picasso Black team plastic blade is hard to beat. It is definitely the top performer, in my experience.
Fiber glass is a better material over plastic, and carbon is better than FG. There are just so many options available that it is hard to make a suggestion especially when the user is ultimately the one that has to decide what is best in terms of performance and affordability.
As with most freediving gear, the only way to find out what works best for you, is to try it. I don't know the availability of the variety of gear in your area is, but if at all possible, try to borrow whatever you can from other divers to see what will work best for you. Other than that, to buy before trying is a gamble.
if you are not used to long blades, my suggestion is to start soft. Too many people start with stiffer blades thinking they will perform better. This is not true, especially if you are used to short blades and have a kicking cycle that has conditioned you to making fast short stokes. Long blades takes less effort and there is more surface area to move through the water. I can't tell you how many times a new long blade user has complained of sore ankles and knees from the use of long blades. SLOW DOWN. You will get better results with less effort. Remember the key term is efficiency.
Once you try a carbon fiber blade you will never go back to plastic. If money is tight though cressi garas have been great to me and take quite a beating too
I think buying Speardiver fins is a sure shot. The only issue would be if indeed your feet are too big for even the largest foot pockets. Khalel, let me know your actual foot size. Put a ruler against the wall and stand on it with your heel against the wall, measure where the furthest toe ends. Also measure the width of your foot at the widest part. If the Avanti tre fit you I don't see why another foot pocket won't.
Thanks John, seems like alot of useful info there. Currently the only available long blade in my area is the Riffe, anything else has to be ordered from abroad and borrowing is kinda outta the question cause im not your average human lol. But i think once i make a choice on any long blade(once i get the right foot pocket), from what y'all been saying, it should be better than what i use now
You're welcome. I would make finding a pair of foot pockets your priority.Most blades are interchangeable with a variety of foot pockets.
Dan should also be able to help you out so long as you provide the measurments he requested. He is very good with sizing stuff for people.
@ Dan, my Avantix 3's are open heels, started using those when my feet got too big lol. i wear a sz14 shoe and my foot measurement is 13 x 4-3/4
What toe is longest? I have slightly smaller feet but also wear a 14 in many brands. I wear the 44 46 dessaukt pockets
omer makes an open heel foot pocket for freediving fins, finding it may be a mission though.
Speardiver blades are amazing. -
budget is your biggest limitation. If you have a tight budget and plastic is al you can get you cant beet the cressi garas. Great fin and really nice footpocket. If you have the money to go higher than plastic then anything Pursuit is the way to go. Dan makes a high quality product for a better price than anyone.
What toe is longest? I have slightly smaller feet but also wear a 14 in many brands. I wear the 44 46 dessaukt pockets
my second toe is about 1/4" longer than my big toe
Edge fiberglass, DiveR fiberglass, or Spearidver carbon fiber.
My brother has Sz14 feet. He's currently using Mares foot pocket in size 45-46.
Don't get them too soft. I would recommend a medium stiffness. You're a big guy.
I think you could get by with either the mares or h dessault 46 footpocket.
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