You know you are a spearo when...

  • Your wife is full of jealousy of a bunch of unanimated sticks of wood and alluminium instead of real girls :rolleyes1:

    The nicest and most expensive suit you have in your closet has a cammo pattern on it :D

    You have a great creativity for places to conceal your new gear, and your werehouse is full of " friends" spearguns :rolleyes1:

    Your car smells like a skunk no matter how many cans of deodorizer you use to get rid of the odor
    (and worst thing is you kindda like the smell)

    Your index twitch every time you see an aquarium

    Every time you smell latex you think automatically in a speargun instead of a condom (and your index begins to twitch) :rolleyes1:

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • hahaha...i am always pointing at fish in aquariums...with bad intent :)

    you know you are a spearo when you hear of a hurricane warning and your first thought is "this is gonna really ruin the vis"

    you groan about getting up for work but jump out of bed before dawn to go and get in cold water on any weekend day you can

    i like to spear fish

  • You know you're a spearo when you walk by the fish in the market and it doesn't look right because there's no hole in the fillet.:D

  • You know you're a spearo when you walk by the fish in the market and it doesn't look right because there's no hole in the fillet.:D


    There shouldn't be a hole in the fillet... ;)

  • I was looking at a piece of teak furniture (while it's owner was sitting on it) the other day and was wondering how to make a gun from that chair leg, but it was too short, then it ocurred to me.....

    I could make a hibrid!

  • I was looking at a piece of teak furniture (while it's owner was sitting on it) the other day and was wondering how to make a gun from that chair leg, but it was too short, then it ocurred to me.....

    I could make a hibrid!

    :thumbsup2: I ´ve always wondered why furniture manufacturers waste all that precious teak on furniture :nono:

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • When you go with the family to the beach and you feel the sadness of leaving the gear at home. Never quite the same happiness. Plus don't even want to bother on getting in the water.

    Psychobilly... the one with the teak is a classic.:thumbsup2: Every time i see a piece of wood I'm thinking on what potential it has in becoming a good spear gun. :laughing3:.

  • Para donde crees que vas con ese maldito arpon? I could almost hear her....:rolleyes1:

    Where you think you're going with that damn speargun? Ya la estoy oyendo....:rolleyes1:

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