Tores divers supply and Shai Tores "Torres shafts" are lying thieves

  • Shaister LOL I should've known eh? But Shai is actually a fairly common Israeli name. Anyways thanks for the support guys. That thread on SB will probably draw out some haters and what not. I ask any of you who choose to post in that thread to ignore any remarks that are not directly pertinent to the issue so as not to turn it into something ridiculous.

    It seems like some people is already warned, i received this PM

    09-09-2009 02:36
    Hey man that sux! My advice is to only deal with company/products made in USA I know this sounds bad. I've been burned by eastern types myself in my business. Now you know!!!! I'll spread the word around the docks! Have a great season!!!! AB

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • Jeff, a thread about Torres on SP would be great. However for a thread on SP to be effective in terms of search engines and the damage that it will cause Torres, it needs to be posted in the same way as it was on SB.

    That thread is already dgenerating into something it shouldn't be. Oh well, potential buyers were warned which was the intent.

    It was to be expected. I just have to say that it's great for me seeing so many of my friends speak up in one thread. As Aaron said in post #43 my motives are very simple; I'm pissed at having been screwed over and not listening to my gut instincts about this guy. Practically there's nothing I can do to get my money back. I don't need or like SB but it's another way to somewhat get back at Torres, and I believe that the warning to other potential victims in the spearfishing community outweighs Grogan not wanting to allow me any kind of use of SB. It may be his board but it's nothing without the members.

    A misconception on the SB thread is that Torres is a foreign company. Shai Tores lives in the US for long stretches at a time. His business is a US based business although his products are manufactured in Israel. I was dealing with him, not an overseas company. The POS was at my house and sat at my table, which irks me even more. He lives on the west coast though and when we agreed on the shaft order it was over the phone, hence the reason for the bank transfer, but it wasn't an overseas transaction.

  • I read the thread in bubbleboard and was really tempted to say something , but didn't . fuck that jfjf and bubblemax. who cares. that actitude is the same that mede us get out of there. childish , stupid and moronic, that's how those guys are. so fuck them once more. the message is out there and hope nobody else gets screwed by those sons of bitches scamers.

  • I read the thread in bubbleboard and was really tempted to say something , but didn't . fuck that jfjf and bubblemax. who cares. that actitude is the same that mede us get out of there. childish , stupid and moronic, that's how those guys are. so fuck them once more. the message is out there and hope nobody else gets screwed by those sons of bitches scamers.

    that thread really degenerated, unbelievable.

    China V.I.P

  • I was at scubas world yesterday and had a chat with the owner. I was told about Shai Tores' modus operandi. The guy is unreachable by phone, I guess he only answers when he's trying to get your money and this is why I was able to reach him before making the shaft order. He shows up once every couple of months with his truck and trailer, making stops at various dive shops without prior notice. That is the only chance to get something from him according to Scubas world. Makes sense I guess as a precaution against someone you owe money to waiting for you at one of your stops.

    BTW google Torres shafts to see how effective it is to post this publicly. The SB thread is already showing up as the #1 result.

  • This is from the department of state. This is public Information. If this post is violating any laws that I am unaware of, I will immediately remove it.

    Detail by Officer/Registered Agent Name

    Florida Profit Corporation
    Filing Information
    Document Number P03000101427
    FEI/EIN Number 134266601
    Date Filed 09/11/2003
    State FL
    Status ACTIVE
    Event Date Filed 10/28/2004
    Event Effective Date NONE

    Principal Address
    7238 ROOKS DR

    Mailing Address
    PO BOX 7731
    Changed 10/28/2004

    Registered Agent Name & Address
    7238 ROOKS DR.

    Name Changed: 05/22/2008
    Address Changed: 05/22/2008

    Officer/Director Detail
    Name & Address
    Title PT
    7238 ROOKS DR

    Title VPS
    7238 ROOKS DR

    Annual Reports
    Report Year Filed Date
    2006 07/27/2006
    2007 04/30/2007
    2008 05/22/2008

    Document Images

    Who is Yohoshua Tores(with one R)???

    By the way, Shai had registered another company(TNT Spearfishing Inc. Under the name Shai Torres(2 R's)

    Edited 2 times, last by Toledo ().

  • Have someone pose as a potential buyer again. Except this time when he comes over he gets consecutive knee strikes
    instead of a handshake.

  • Makes you think.. The Dept of State clearly says one R for Yohoshua and Debra, and Torres with 2 R's for his TNT Spearfishing CO.

    Florida Profit Corporation
    Filing Information
    Document Number P02000110752
    FEI/EIN Number NONE
    Date Filed 10/14/2002
    State FL
    Status INACTIVE
    Effective Date 10/10/2002
    Event Date Filed 09/19/2003
    Event Effective Date NONE

    Principal Address
    7522 N 40 ST
    TAMPA FL 33604

    Mailing Address
    7522 N 40 ST
    TAMPA FL 33604

    Registered Agent Name & Address
    3212 N 40 ST UNIT 602
    TAMPA FL 33605 US

    Officer/Director Detail
    Name & Address
    Title DP
    3212 N 40 ST UNIT 602
    TAMPA FL 33605

    Title DV
    RISHON, LE ZION 75633

    Annual Reports
    No Annual Reports Filed
    Document Images

    Edited 4 times, last by Toledo ().

  • something's you cant do much about in life, just get up learn from it. and move forward.
    I've met my share of shady people. I do know that people who do dirt eventually pay for it.
    I hope the thread stays put .

  • Oye Pargo, el Spearmaxipad ese y el JodioFeo JodioFeo parecen que ven al diablo cuando ven tu nombre. Que les habras hecho.......:D :laughing3:

  • Wow. I just read all the info on the link to SB.

    What bullshit those Mod's are. Love how the same few fukers that would always talk crap ganged up again.

    I am unable to respect such "men".

    Dan, sucks about the loss. I hope you're able to figure out how to get to these guys them being out of the country really doesn't help. As someone said calling from another number to pose as if making another order may really work.

    Not sure how I can help but let me know,

    .Larry O M. . .

  • Wow!! That's pretty screwed up. I think that whole thing got outta hand though.
    It's funny that the people that have actually met you, like you(most of the times:D). And the ones that haven't, have very strong opinions about you. The internet is a funny thing. Looks like you pissed off a few people along the way:D.
    If I don't like someone on a personal level it doesn't make them less of a person or man. It doesn't make them less credible either. I haven't seen one post about how you screwed someone out of a business transaction or $$$$. I think that's what should matter. No?
    I've seen many people there(SB) lately taking serious personal attacks on others and not a peep from the mods. I think everyone is entitled to their opinions but when we have to resort to name calling and personal attacks, the mods should end it.

  • I'm just like any other dude, some character types are compatible with mine and some aren't. I never pretended to be perfect, but one thing I'm not is boastful. In business dealings I'm clear and follow up on my word, and there's no one here or on SB who can say otherwise without being a liar. This thread wasn't supposed to be about me.. :rolleye2:

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