Nice day. Clear water. A few nice fish.
Any advice on improving my breathhold? I needed to get to and hang at 60-70' to get the APs. Right now I'm only comfortable at 50' for under a minute.
Nice day. Clear water. A few nice fish.
Any advice on improving my breathhold? I needed to get to and hang at 60-70' to get the APs. Right now I'm only comfortable at 50' for under a minute.
Nice boat
Nice day. Clear water. A few nice fish.
Any advice on improving my breathhold? I needed to get to and hang at 60-70' to get the APs. Right now I'm only comfortable at 50' for under a minute.
There aren't any secrets to holding your breath longer. The more you do it and better you get at it. You just need to keep at it and slowly progress every year. Getting better too fast can easily get you in trouble. The only thing i could say is to try to keep your head tucked in for a longer time to be more streamline and work on your duck dive.
How deep is the bottom?
Monster pompano.
Very nice painting on the boat.
I agree with greekdiver. The single most important factor for me, other than relaxing and breathing up properly, is making sure I'm going straight down as opposed to on an angle. To do this sometimes you have to refrain from trying to see where you're going until you're close to your target depth. But hanging out at 50 for 30 seconds sound pretty good to me.
nice fish! I always enjoy reading your mag:cool2:
Yasou re greekdiver!
Sweet fish man. Awesome!!
There aren't any secrets to holding your breath longer. The more you do it and better you get at it. You just need to keep at it and slowly progress every year. Getting better too fast can easily get you in trouble. The only thing i could say is to try to keep your head tucked in for a longer time to be more streamline and work on your duck dive.
How deep is the bottom?
The bottom was 160fsw. The fish were hanging at 75' down.
Nice fish man! The wrap looks great btw!
Nice catch and beautiful artwork on that boat.
Looks like a great trip Charlie. Awesome fish!
Glad to see Mike back in the water. His permit is a monster.
Looks like his elbow is working just fine!
I would ask your brother, he is a PFI Instructor. Nice looking boat wrap.
The bottom was 160fsw. The fish were hanging at 75' down.
Nice fish bro and great pics! I was diving Marathon this past weekend and we saw several AP's as well.
Man, that is a sick AP!!
I like what greekdiver offered, try keeping your chin tucked a little bit longer. I've dove enough with ya Charlie to know you can hit 70 if you wanted. Like I mentioned before I also think you can improve your kick strength/stride.
Looking forward to the Open bro!!
What brand cat is that?
Nice fish bro and great pics! I was diving Marathon this past weekend and we saw several AP's as well.
Wrecks or the humps? Atlantic or Gulf?
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