Hardline's Dive Reports

  • Freaking awesome. That toothy snout is the last thing many fish have seen.

    You should try the fade in/out transition between the different segments.

    Yeah I really need to go back and polish it up a bit. I just hate waiting on the render times lol. I need to experiment with some ways to make the camera more heavy/stable in the water for the chase shots.

  • Got out today for the first day of grouper season and I went straight out to the place I have been seeing grouper all year long. I didnt end up exactly where I was planning on going thanks to a different entry point and some hazy visibility but in the end it didnt matter cause where I was at was plenty fishy for my tastes.

    Saw a small school of yellow snapper around this one opening on the second reef ledge so I dropped down to see if there was anything bigger and sure enough a 20" grover pops out and gets shot in the face. Biggest grover I've seen up here by far. They have some big ones down in the keys.

    Then it was nothing but decent size snappers and Red Groupers. I saw a huge black but he matrixed around my shaft and swam away before I could reload so that was pretty upsetting. Also saw lots of big triggers, 12-13" hoggies and even a nice size lobsta. Let all that stuff swim by though since I was primarily looking for snapper and grouper. Also I like hogs so I tend to let the smaller ones live. They are a fun fish to watch go about their business digging around in the sand.

    I brought my GoPro but didnt shoot that much footage because I was seeing enough fish to keep me busy with the speargun. Not a bad problem to have. May just have to start putting it back on my head.

  • I like that you blame your inability to find the spot you were going after on viz and and not your buddy Mark that gave you directions totally in the wrong place. I felt bad when I realized I goofed but Im glad they were very right wrong directions. Nice stuff dude hopefully we can make it out this week.

  • Simple but neat video. I was playing around with a video the other day that I took in abt 65 ft with ~30ft vis. I was able to slow mo the first 20sec of my descent into about 45 seconds without there being extreme visual slow mo queues. Turned my 1:20 65ft dive into a 2:00+ 100ft dive. :D

  • Simple but neat video. I was playing around with a video the other day that I took in abt 65 ft with ~30ft vis. I was able to slow mo the first 20sec of my descent into about 45 seconds without there being extreme visual slow mo queues. Turned my 1:20 65ft dive into a 2:00+ 100ft dive. :D


    Scupper Pro Gives You Wings!

  • smoothe vid hadline, what did you use to get the slowmotion to not come out choppy?

    Im actually working on getting my vids even less choppy than that one! I have found that shooting more FPS underwater allows you to manipulae the speed with better results to get smooth video. That video was shot at 60FPS and I'll post another vid in a few minutes that was shot at 120FPS so you can see how much smoother the motion is when slowing it down.

  • Im actually working on getting my vids even less choppy than that one! I have found that shooting more FPS underwater allows you to manipulae the speed with better results to get smooth video. That video was shot at 60FPS and I'll post another vid in a few minutes that was shot at 120FPS so you can see how much smoother the motion is when slowing it down.

    yup, wasn't sure if you used a program to make it even better. i know a little about it (i've done some reading in the last couple months about it) and know about how fps affect how well slow motion editing turns out.

    there are programs that make things realllll smooth. check this vid out.

    GOPRO HD and TWIXTOR 2000fps - YouTube

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