Frickin' Jake.. spearfishing Belize

  • Finally got out with jake. He's in love or some shit. Anyway, got into a few. jake said he saw the biggest dog snapper ever. Over 25 lbs? Obviously very smart too because he quickly disappeared.
    DuQuesnay got his usual array of triggers and trunk fish. The trunks are really good eating but I can't make myself shoot one. They're just too…..too…..I don't know. I guess I'm just not hungry enough. haha.
    Good day on the water. I shot a nice dog at 64 feet. It was right next to a big barracuda.


  • Looks like a very fun day, thanks for posting those pics Hank. How are those trunkfish to eat? I've never eaten one myself.

  • Great cooler Hank, you better enjoy his love stage and pray you survive his broken heart shit stage :D

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

  • Thanks guys.
    We saw quite a few larger porgies. Jake shot that one.
    Andre and Doc always shoot trunk fish. I ate one at Doc's house and they are very good. There's like…..3 nice pieces of boneless meat inside.
    Jake shoved his Wong ….??…hey that sounds a little strange….heh…heh….in there just as I took the pic. I think he wants to get sponsored. I told him, "you're already sponsored. I pay for all your gear, gas, boat….". But he does get a lot of fish and Chela sells some to buy gun parts etc. I'll keep him for a while….:laughing:

  • Great cooler Hank, you better enjoy his love stage and pray you survive his broken heart shit stage :D

    HAH !!. At least I can get him out diving with a broken heart. But with a hard on….and a pretty lady waiting…no way. I can remember a looooooonnnnnng time ago…..I was kind of like that. "surf…..girlfriend….hmmmm…." hah.

  • Check out the cooler. Doc has a Taiwanese friend who is his doctor and he LOVES eel. When Doc gets him one he invites his other Taiwanese buddies and they make a big soup. Unreal. One of them was pretty big. Doc's crazy.
    Jake got the nice black. All I got was a conch. Really. I missed the only shot I took on a nice dog snapper. But it was a great day. I was driving and dropping the boys. Finally pretty clean water and sunshine. But cold water. Brrrr.


  • My grandmother from Sardinia (Italy) loved moray eel. I tried once and is not bad, but has a lot of bones. I remeber that she used to eat everything that came out from the sea. And at that time I didn't know how to catch fish with a speargun. But she ate every crab, conch, fish, etc. My brother and I could catch.
    I am always wondering how happy she would be nowadays that I give away a lot of first quality fish to all my friends because I don't have the capacity to eat/freeze all my catch....

    Sorry for the derrail Hank. Here yesterday we reached the coldest water ever I've registered since I dive with a computer; 20°C (68F) :@

    I'm wearing my 3 mm Speardiver pants with a Spetton "chicle" smooth skin (Neoprene only, no lycra lining) top. Feeling nice and warm. :)

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

  • Damn, that's cold Marco. We're still at about 77 or so. Must be an upwelling or something near you?

    My buddy in the Philippines would shoot big morays. But since I've read that they're likely to have siguatera if it's present.

    They're a strange fish. It's like picking up a slippery snake. I had to move Doc's around to pack some ice on fish yesterday. It feels like they don't have ANY bones. :D

  • Looks like a very fun day, thanks for posting those pics Hank. How are those trunkfish to eat? I've never eaten one myself.

    Very good tasting - like Hank said there is boneless meat inside of the outer hard shell. I ate a few while living on a sailboat and diving on St. Thomas. The locals would cook them on the grill and pass you a joint while waiting for them to cook (I NEVER inhaled) - really. :laughing3: Great tasting actually.

  • Check this out. Just to show you boys I haven't alway been an old fart.
    The one where I'm up to my tits in oysters was in the Nov 1979 issue of National Geographic. Hakipu'u Valley on Kualoa Ranch just southwest of Chinaman's Hat. It looks like I was just working but man, it took about an hour to set that up and get that photo. There were reflectors to get more light on me…I guess cameras weren't so high tech then too. I always wore gloves handling those oysters. They had new growth margins on the shell that were razor sharp. And obviously I wouldn't have worked int he full sun without a hat. But I guess they wanted my handsome face. haha.

    The next one is Kauai. Kilauea. 1984 or so. American Airlines in flight magazine. It was funny. I had a friend coming from Ohio to visit me and he opens the magazine on the plane and sees my picture. haha. What timing.

    My sister posted these on Facebook. I was also briefly shot on the beginning of a Magnum PI episode. Harvesting a pond. yeah man. My Hollywood career never did get off the launch pad though.

    Yeah man. Those were some of the best years of my life. No worries about next week or year. Just waiting for good surf….unreal.


    Edited 2 times, last by hank ().

  • That's great Hank. Yep - I was young once too but hey we survived and are still around to harass and make noice. So you have been in the saltwater produce area all of your life? Good for you - look forward to more stories and photos. By the way are the Tiger Shrimp selling well for you? Where is your market - U.S.A. I imagine and probably airlifted through Miami. Who sells them in the U.S for you?

  • Oscar, we're just starting to sell tigers. Just started breeding on a big enough scale to stock around Oct. THen it got cold. They're doing great though. We hope to grow them big and sell to restaurants in the US and or Japan. I worked in the Philippines for 11 years and all tiger shrimp went to Japan.

    I have been doing this for 36 years but I'm a corn fed Ohio boy originally. Grew up in a little fart of a town called Harrison, just west of Cincinnati. In 1977 I just took off and the adventure is still happening. :thumbsup2: Actually, my farm and ag background is what got my foot in the door shrimp farming. I didn't know shit but I knew how to work hard. Picking corn made every job I had after seem pretty easy.

  • Hank, a 4" piece of garden hose split down the middle is a good replacement for those crappy cooler hinges. Great pictures/stories, keep them coming.

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

  • Okay, back to fish. jake wasn't here today. He's had a bad sinus infection for the last three weeks. So just Andre and I went.
    We hit five different spots but it was pretty quiet. Lot of smaller snappers around but I hadn't seen out but….once in the last five weeks so I was gunning for something a little bigger.

    Went to the third spot, "Spot 29" on my gps. We hadn't seen a school of bigger dog snappers yet so I wanted to see if that school was there. It's a deep spot though and I don't want to dive it without Jake. But then I saw about 200 dogs….whooaaaa. As I dived down, they went down to the bottom at about 80 feet or so. I went up and breathed up a bit. Dropped down again as they were swirling back up but they went down again. Then this nice cubera swims up. I got lucky and hauled ass about 60 yards back to the boat. That place is very sharky.

    Got the little doggy at the fourth spot. shallow but a bit of swell.

    Ya man.


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