firstly i thank your forum and the many knowledgeable spearfishing folk with their tremendous amount of information shared with folks that really need such information to be able to dive spear fish safely and enjoy the rewards of eating what we shoot.
i am retired and am presently living in the Philippines and am wanting to build my own spear guns one for reef fishing and then a real blue water spear gun for large fish in my younger days i used to dive in South Africa and Mozambique then built a yacht and sailed around the world thus shooting fish to eat and be able to choose the fish i wanted to to be able to take out all the guess work in building my own guns i joined this site to learn about the latest technology and and enjoy catching up on the latest methods required in these times to be able to spearfish and have the right equipment that works well and home made as here in the Philippines most spear guns are home made some good and some very dangerous and unsafe so building something that is of good quality and enjoyable to use is of the highest need
i thank every body for your information and hospitality
Douglas G Hunt
new member
Welcome to S P E A R D I V E R
Welcome Douglas. there's more info on here about gun building than there are hours in a day.
Welcome Douglas, great to have you.
Cheers, Don
Welcome Douglas.
Welcome. Keep us posted on how the guns turn out.
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