Hola a todo ase un tiempo sali de pesca con Julio y cojimos un sierritas, asi que mi madre las preparo hoy en la tarde y aqui esta el resultado

Sierritas fritas con tostones
Looks good /yumm
Eso se ve bueno Anthony! Qué hiciste con el jurel?
Eso se ve bueno Anthony! Qué hiciste con el jurel?
Esta filetiado y mi hermano se lo regalo el mismo por que el selo quiere comer y mi madre esta que ya mismo se lo roba a mi hermano. jejejeje
Oye que vola con el mofongo? Adonde esta? Esas rueditas con unas cervezuskis hacen una maravillosa comida unico si una chocha pelua le sigue:D:0
Ten cuidado con "El Gracioso"...el es medio mariconson:laughing3:
¿Cómo se hacen los tostones? un poquito de mayo, una salsita mil islas unas tortillas y vámonos ...
¿Cómo se hacen los tostones? un poquito de mayo, una salsita mil islas unas tortillas y vámonos ...
cojes el platano lo cortas en pequeños pedazos como en la fotos lo dejas barios minutos y despues los aplastas y los sigues friendo. una demostracion .
bueno me farto que mi madre los moja como en ajo una salsa especial para que cojan sabor
Uff, un plato caribeño a más no poder. Me recuerda los "patacones" de la República Dominicana ...
We're going to have to hold some kind of spearfishing meet here in PR! I'm willing to throw in a custom made gun for the winner, maybe Pucho can donate one of his beautiful framed pictures as well. Anthony's mother can help out cooking some delicious meal of the catch after the fact and Rolo can be the cheerleader con peluca y mini falda!:laughing3:
I'm in!
I'll throw a case of beers and donate whatever I fish for the grill (if I manage to fish something...)
We're going to have to hold some kind of spearfishing meet here in PR! I'm willing to throw in a custom made gun for the winner, maybe Pucho can donate one of his beautiful framed pictures as well. Anthony's mother can help out cooking some delicious meal of the catch after the fact and Rolo can be the cheerleader con peluca y mini falda!:laughing3:
:laughing1::laughing1::laughing1: Haha I'm in. Do i have to bring change to tip the dancer?:rolleyes1:
Hey not kidding even if you are joaking that sounds pretty good.
We're going to have to hold some kind of spearfishing meet here in PR! I'm willing to throw in a custom made gun for the winner, maybe Pucho can donate one of his beautiful framed pictures as well. Anthony's mother can help out cooking some delicious meal of the catch after the fact and Rolo can be the cheerleader con peluca y mini falda!:laughing3:
La farda tiene que ser rosita y peluca rubia con lapiz labial rojo entonses tenemos a ROLA :laughing3:
I was so tempted by your pics, that i got some green bananos, and i have my wife right now, cooking for me some tostones con queso para el desayuno !!! I have no sierras though!
La farda tiene que ser rosita y peluca rubia con lapiz labial rojo entonses tenemos a ROLA :laughing3:
You mean LA ROLA right?:laughing3:;)
I got to say it looks delicious, I do love tostones with mojito:thumbsup2:, Now i have eat sierra like 4 times in my life and for some reason all 4 of the times have tasted weird for me. Probably is the person that cooked it or what seasoned they use. I dont like it in escabeche for those Puerto Ricans that know what i mean. I have never tried it just fried i guess my next one will go that route. Everyone tell me how good they are. and i have taste my share but mostly in escabeche or steamed:( wasnt very good in my books. Any other recipes for macks? I catch one long time ago around the 35+# range give or take, King mack i beleive and that is the same day Naranjos Boat sank:0. So i guess God Naptune have used that one for lunch. Marco might know the story and he can corroborate with Rodolfo, he helped me subdue the beast. That was my biggest so far, and i shot it very deep. in about 90' of water, Oh memories, talking about shoot the fish release everything to swim up for air,scary. The picture was taken but the camera got damaged when the boat sank:(:0
I'm in!
I'll throw a case of beers and donate whatever I fish for the grill (if I manage to fish something...)
I think we'll have to custom-make a grill.
You got to season it with adobo and deep fry it in hot oil be carefull not to overcook. That's the best way to eat sierra. But is must be fresh. Not the piece of crap you buy at Pueblo or Amigo...
Marco i know for sure the firs 2 or 3 came from the supermercado(GRANDE i beleive). The last one i ate i caught and my mom decided to make in escabeche for holy week. (semana santa)I really didnt enjoy it. Then i tought the macks didnt taste good at all. So i guess i need to try it once again fritas.
Not the piece of crap you buy at Pueblo or Amigo...
Or...in the U.S...Publix, Winn Dixie, Pigly Wiggly,Sedanos,...well...you get the idea!:D
Although the yellowfin tuna at Publix in Miramar, Florida was pretty good. Imported from Costa Rica. Nice rich red color. Great for Tuna Tataki.
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