Shitty vis and scrap materials

  • Dan - I think when he says a v-shaped base, he means something along the lines of the pic below. I've always called them "V-Blocks", but either way, their purpose is to make it easier to hold a round object securely while working it.

    Yeah that.


    I always drill completely through the shaft. I flatten one end of the pin before inserting it in the hole from the bottom up then hammer the pin in place and grind/buff the end so that you can't tell the pin ever protruded. This way it ensures the pin will never come lose or shift under load. Hope this helps.

  • Straight down. I keep it simple. I actually made a jig with several 1/8" diam holes spaced at 1 1/2" apart on top and a 5/16" hole running the length of it with a securing screw on the side to ensure hassle free drilling.However, I had to improvise on this particular shaft being that the hole had to be at a very precise spot hence the v-block and bottom-to-top drilling.

  • Can one pin done that way (without a notch) hold two 5/8 bands safely?

    Do you always put a notch in addition to the pin or was this a special case? What is the reasoning behind the notch?

    One pin will definitely hold two 5/8" bands. I've even placed three although it looked like three pounds of shit in a two pound bag:D. The reason for the notch/pin was due to the gun being a rail gun as opposed to an enclosed track and being that I was using 1050# test dyneema (bigger diam.) I wanted it to sit lower to the center of the shaft.

  • Anthony! Espero que el agua haya aclarado para el lunes. Lo unico malo es que tengo que recojer a mi mami en San Juan a las 2: 00 p.m. pero si salímos temprano y regresamos antes de la 1: 00 no hay problema. Estoy loco por arponear el jurel amarillo (yellow jack) aquel que vimos la ultima ves!

  • ok Julio abria que llamar a Humber para quedar con el y de una ves para que nos de segurida si la cosa todavia esta en pies que esperemos que si :) por lo de temprano ya conosiendo a Humber pues yo recojo el tanque de la lancha para llenarlo y no esta echandole gasolina en la mañana para asi seguir directo al bote y despues al mar.

    pd: Tengo un plan B de lo de Humber no salir pues el sabado o el domingo pues trato de comunicarme con Angel pero irnos a la segura ( no valla a pasar que despues que estoy emosionado me tumben el quiosco :D )


  • Julio que lindo te quedo el arpon, se ve tremendo, me gusta mucho el estilo del gatillo, ese arpon se ve que llena las neveras bien rapido de pesca.

    Preguntas que te hago, cuanto saldria un arpon asi en 110cm?
    La otra pregunta es de construccion, con que pegas los laminados?

    Nuevamente se ven brutales, a mi me encantan los arpones hechos a mano, tengo 4 arpones y 2 que estoy haciendo, pero siempre hay espacio para otro arpon mas:D


    Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

  • De verdad tremendo arpon. Felicidades. y tremendo trabajo. No entiendo mucho la parte de las gomas estando en esos rotos. Si se rompe la goma no puedes poner otra rapido?. Y si se puede como se hace por las fotos parece imposible. podrias explicar?. El Systema de Gatillo es de primera calidad. Se ve super brutal

  • Core yo ahora todas mis gomas las preparo con loops y un pedazo de linea para wishbone, si se rompe una goma paso el loop por los agujeros y amarro la linea, dejame ver si puedo sacar fotos para que veas lo que digo es muy facil.


    Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

  • Julio: You got some nice guns there! I don't know why I don't see this threads when I click over "New posts"...:angry5:

    Te felicito brother!

    Keep posting... :thumbsup2:

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

  • I like the gun design and trigger mech shaping...

    Constructive advice:
    IMO, the handle could be refined a bit. In general, the higher your hand sits, the better. The curve of your handle forces your hand to sit much lower. In this gun, I can see how you tried to raise it... but in the other two guns, you can see how low your hand sits.

  • very nice work!!! fantastic...i love the wood/handle integration.

    thanks for sharing.

    what type of cord are you using for the wishbones and the band loops?

    i like to spear fish

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